We're investigating a real life murder attempt

The goal of this crowdsourcing initiative is to leave information that police/CIA/Secret Service/FBI have, but have not acted on.
We have murder attempts, ad-fraud, deepfakes, advanced hacking, and then some.
What's the last straw that's killing me is that my payments get stolen, and law enforcement isn't doing as little as recovering a stolen inheritance, which would be as easy as 1, 2, 3.
This site is public, but all of my content (of which a small fraction is shown here) belong to James O'Keefe (not Project Veritas and Michael Bloomberg.)

The site will go away when the two main actors are brought to justice.
RLMM background


American victims, a few corrupt individuals and a classic street gang do little favors for bigger predators. We'll report them.


German criminals come to the United States of America to harm and kill American citizens, and form international cybercrime chapters. We'll report them.


Together, we will surf through the waves of misinformation spread by the two main actors, and find a few clues to make crimes of an unbelievable size plausible, with receipts
Is Martin Lindstrom missing?

Several coaches around Marshall Goldsmith are missing, and their profiles have been taken over. I also survived a death hunt in the last second. Martin is considered one of the 100 most influential people in the United States, and the world's leading branding expert. Recently, my beloved mentor Martin Lindstrom stopped tweeting, and he there […]

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Is Nick Hanauer a Blackmail Victim

Nick Hanauer was my favorite plutocrat, and I was happy that he accepted my request to connect on LinkedIn, and the following interaction. This was before all of my social media accounts, websites, business and personal email accounts, subscriber lists, podcasts, mobile apps, and more were taken down. Why do I say “was”? “Gang” Stalking […]

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Alleged reason My papers were stolen

Most criminal acts come down to organized crime, greed, and selfishness. It feels strange but necessary to put this in writing. I “lost” my German (not US) papers in both death hunts. Onision alleges he forged a marriage. Apparently, he thinks I am owed a small inheritance he has interest in stealing. Additionally, he mentioned […]

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Did the anti-American killer fake his military background

Podcast Mentioned in the podcast The anti-American person stalking me since latest 2004 (as I recently learned, the original target was my ex partner Marc Veith) has, according to his words and my research, made up his whole background. That includes Lovely, how the hand of the female grabs the waist of this thin man […]

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Live-Lookups and reporting

I live-streamed how I reported a few missing coaches to the FBI and an incident to Homeland Security,, to avoid further problems with information not going through. See more on the Facebook page below. Please note, that we're not looking at personal data of living people. We're looking at data of missing persons that are […]

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EP 8 - Is Onision's Control Over Google Products Strange

This is currently a podcast-only episode. You find my new podcast HERE. I'll post an episode on the ad frauds and fake trials later today.

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Amazon Customer Service Stalking 2

Amazon Customer Service Stalking Part 1 Audio version: https://reallifemurdermystery.substack.com/p/ep-7-amazon-customer-service-stalking?sd=pf The first part of this increasingly difficult to believe story is above. The parcel has finally been picked up today, at 12.31pm. However, the driver didn't leave a receipt. I checked on the number, and it said "left label at customer." I reached out to UPS […]

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Is Kim Schmitz (Kim DotCom) missing?

I didn't have a specific reason to look into Kim, except irritation. Please form your opinion. In my mind, he went missing. A deeper lookup should be done by the appropriate authorities. It will lead to many missing persons, as well as companies led by taken-over profiles, by impersonators. Who's the owner? I say Onision […]

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The Case of The Missing Amazon Employee

As you might be aware, I'm currently experiencing what looks like a stalking campaign from Amazon. Well, obviously not FROM Amazon, but they clearly have a problem with their (likely outsourced) support. To my knowledge, Onision has several call centers. In this lookup, we go from spam to missing Amazon employee. Could a few missing […]

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Another Elon Musk Troll

You don't need to bring your own coffee for this one. Once more, we look at potentially taken-over identites. I'm running a test because "someone" obviously make parts of this site not visible for the public. The video should be there twice.

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