Real Life Murder Mystery

Crowdsourced Investigation 

This is a crowdsourcing project for an unreported crime. The crime includes stalking, kidnapping, several murder attempts, hacking, drugging, and more. With your help, we can get more clarity on details about the acteurs who might be serial killers. As a local police person IS involved, I don't feel safe to report the murder attempts yet. Also, most of the stalking was done by an influential German person from organized crime (likely.) This has to be reported to the FBI, Secret Service, and CIA too. The stalking has been reported in Germany, where the FBI investigated. They found crime, but couldn't connect it to a person. Together, we can.
"Drama-YouTubers" and other negative individuals are NOT welcome. 
Please register for a symbolic fee of 1$, or a different level, if you want to become a supporter or sponsor of this initiative.
War Reporting 14 - 02/25/24
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War Reporting 13 - 02/25/24
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War Reporting 12 - 02/25/2024

"Beamte" is a gang stalker status in Germany. Other countries, will follow the example. I just know Germany best.

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War Reporting 11 - 02/25/2024

You're mistaking me for someone who cares what non-human invaders believe. Facts don't care if you believe in them. If you're so confident it's not true, why don't you unplug for just a second or leave the jammed zone?

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War Reporting 10 - 02/25/24

I could not sleep properly in 14 days. I get knocked out with infrasound, and then tortured while I sleep. With a microwave weapon (nothing military.. just a really old microwave, before the heating element was protected, turned into a sick alien (I stopped saying "Nigger" bc it seems to be several races. Latinos call […]

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War Reporting 9 / 02/25

I know it must look silly to you when I state it's February, 25th, 2024, when it's really 2021. I think it might be April. But I don't know. Nobody ever got out of this horror slaughter cities setup. It's a pretty large field, but we make it smaller, we make holes, etc. We're waiting […]

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War Reporting 8 - Rape to death/Slaughter to death/lockup by Laurie

Laurie called the rape-to-death death hunt on me. The illuminati mass murderers are careful not to leave traces (they think.) A few facts upfront: They call death hunts via the evil medical monsters here. Here's the four terms I know: Nobody in the world thinks I am depressed. But Laurie faked it into my medical […]

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War Reporting 7 - Mystikal

We have a 4th V here, I forgot to mention. He doesn't know it yet. I spoke with Mystikal, and Mystikal would like to move to Sicily and work with our Sicily Cartel, that is led by the daughter of Dorian (El Santo/Don Vito/Sonny Black/Sammy the Bull/Al Capone) and her lovely husband, we know from […]

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War Reporting 6 - 02/25

I've been informed that the bracelet New Jacks's son (Jerome Young) wanted to give me, is with him, because he's been told he may not leave the shelter without paying with a valuable item. I was unsure if King Von or New Jack sent me the chain via another resident here, who they try to […]

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War Reporting 5 -02/25

We're fascist. We only support races who are natural on this planet. Any lifeform that belongs here. No clones, no artificial eugenic Nazi experiments. These are still the Nazis, just they were not German but, originally, a mixed group - like now. The Nazis created an ideal mindless murder machine. I'm sure there's a "stop" […]

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